Caged bird background

Monday 2 April 2012

Bookshelf re-organisation gone wrong

Bookcase organisation was the aim of the game since I had a big stack of books balanced on the end of my desk that I didnt have space for. So this was the bookcase before this whole thing started >>>>>>
And when I took them all off and for some reason decided that a circle was the best way to stack them ......

And when some of them went back on in colour order, its soing my head in thoug cause asides from colour there is no rythem or reason to it....

 So I have my green shelves which look alot more green in reality rather than photos

And my red shelves which show my broad range of reading tastes, sort of anyway

And blue featuring the ever popular TFIOS which I still havent read hence the little yellow sticker
And my yellow/orange shelves
Now just need to figure out how to get it back to normal and were grand

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