Caged bird background

Monday 3 October 2011

I tried but it got me...

Tried really really really hard not to but i caved and bought some new books on amazon. Only got three though which for me isn't too bad. Loads of sellers are now based in the states though which is a bit of a pain cause they are cheaper but you need to wait longer for stuff to arrive which for me isn't the best. So bought three books that are all sort of lovey dovey but have other themes running through them. Going to go with the same plan that i have been once i have them which is basically not to read the backs of them before i decide which one to read so its a surprise what happens in the plot when i start to read them.

Really am going to have to try and find some more storage for my books cause my poor wee bookcase is getting sort of full. Would really like to have more of my books on display aswell so trying to think of a creative way to do that.

Got my last foreign language film through in the post today as well so will need to find time to sit down and watch that within the next few days although i get the feeling that im going to be fairly busy with work for the next few weeks.

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