Caged bird background

Sunday 30 May 2010

ipods - a window into the soul ?

Have you ever thought about how personal an ipod is?

I must admit it im a bit of an ipod rapist. If you produce an ipod, iphone or other music player at a party, in a pub, generally near me im going steal it and have a rummage to see what you listen to.
I will compare your music to mine and probably say "i've never heard of them" alot.

Music is such a personal thing. When you consider how readily avaliable music is for downloading in the 21st centuary an ipod is ever changing. Every song in there tells a story.

The music you listen to when your chilling out with a good book and chocolate.
The music that makes you think of guys.
The music that makes you remember the good times and gets you excited for the future.
The music from your childhood.
The music that makes your hips sway sensually (as if i could pull such a thing off) and the music that makes you jump around like an idiot (sound more like me?)

The soundtrack that defines your life is stored in something as small as a match box.

And if you got the pun in the blog name, congratulations your a bit of a geek, like me =D

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