Caged bird background

Thursday 12 August 2010

10 people i couldnt live without

These are not specific people in my life rather they are personality's that everyone will have in their lives.

The joker - Everyone will have a friend who is known far and wide for their comedy, The type of person who will make your eyes water and your checks ache. They will lift you up when you are sad and will be able to giggle to yourself for weeks because of the stupid stuff they did/said.

The Guru - Need advice? Ask this friend. They're like a tarot card and a fortune cookie all rolled into one. They always seem to know what should be done - although doing it isnt always the easiest thing.

The shoulder to cry on - Different from the Guru in oh so many ways. This friend will sit and listen to you sob your heart out, supply chocolates and say reassuring rubbish when it all goes wrong. From ex's to exams this friend will be on hand with tissues.

The IT help desk - The highly computer literate person. The one who advices about software and can help when you i-pod refuses to play fair. Called upon for movie nights and gaming sessions. Often found due to the fact their technology is the source of Global warming.

The Driver - This one loves their car and driving it. They organise the outtings. Pick up the people. Deals with the days. Expect random inpulsive trips to Tescos at funny times of the day/night. We love this person because without them we would do nothing.

The party animal - The one that gets you in the party mood. Usually they consume mass amounts of alcohol but as a result they always have an interresting story or two to tell about their adventures. Can also be fun to "tell them what they did last night" but be sure to spice it up a bit. They naturally find themselves in some truly unexplainable situations and are often asked questions in the style of "you woke up WHERE!?"

The maverick - The friend who seems to lead a completely different life when your not with them. Keep an eye on them, possible MI5 agent

The radiator - The person whos personality just makes you instantly happy. Like the sun coming out from behind a cloud in winter this person lights up your life. A true joy to be around.

The separated at birth? - You are two halves of a whole. Its a sickeningly lovely friendship. I finish others sentances, wear each others clothes, know each other inside out kind of deal. Aka the "best friend"

The "I love them, I hate them friend" - You will spend alot of time listening to this friend discuss how much they love *insert current other halevs name here* followed by helping them plot *insert former, never to be trusted, talked to or otherwise acknowledged person who ruined their life, aka ex's name here* final downfall. Its a rollercoaster ride with this one but we do it because in the end we want them to be happy.

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