Caged bird background

Thursday 12 August 2010

If life were a fair ground....

The house of mirrors reflects our teenage years. So many different directions to go, so many people will offer their opinion on whats best for you which often just disorientates you further. In the end you will emerge and hopefully be happy with the person you'll see everyday in the mirror.

The log flume represents one of the biggest hurdle people will face often in our teenage years. Sex. Basically a lot of build up and in the end you end up back where you started just a little wetter.

The waltzers are the horrible bit between school and life. Further Education. Trying to deal with university, a social life and work can be complicated. Things coming at you from alll directions, just when you think your sure one thing will happen something totally different happens. In short utter confusion.

The carousel is the daily grind. Not much happening but while its nothing remarkable you can still enjoy the ride and watch the world calmly slip past till you get to move onto bigger and better things.

The love story, The rollercoaster ride full of ups and downs. The build up for the fall, the moments that make your heart beat faster and your stomach do back-flips, Once its starts you are powerless to change the course. You can close your eyes and be blind to the inevitable route ahead or you can enjoy the knowledge that what happens will happen so you might as well enjoy the trip while it lasts.

The haunted house. Time to face your fears. You may realise you've reached middle age and not achieved half as much as you set out to do. The mid life crisis allows us to refocus on what we truly want to achieve. Hopefully when you leave the house and are re-united with the light of day your ready to make changes.

Loss. Carnival games make us realise that sometimes no matter how hard we try, no matter how many hoops we toss or cans we shoot somethings are not ment to be.

The drop zone. Facing reality with this one. What goes up must come down. The view from the top is worth the ending and hell you've enjoyed the ride that got you there.

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