Caged bird background

Thursday 28 April 2011


I have rather alot of books that ive not yet read which makes me kind of sad. i think the issue is partly that id rather reread a book that i know is good then take a risk on a new one which might not be. Therefore my aim is to read at least half of the books ive not read yet before i go to france. This should work in nicely with my other aim which is to spend less time sitting on the computer. I feel like i spend too long on facebook and the like. Nothing all that interresting happens on it. I dont understand why i feel like i need to monitor it constantly to be in the know. If something important happens then ill find out about it other ways. Therefore in the near future i am going to try and give up facebook for a week and see what happens. I shall blog about it as i go probably and see how much more productive when i dont feel shackled to my computer. Might even go further than facebook and just say online in general. Limit myself to two hours a day online or something. I dont know ill see how it is nearer the time. I better get used to the idea anyway cause im probably not going to have much internet for the couple of months im in France. Maybe it wont be so bad though cause i wont feel like if i hadnt checked facebook id have been at an event cause regardless of what is happening here im still in France. But ill upload a pretty picture of the books i havent read and shut up cause now im rambling. Sorry.

Bit blurry, my cameras in a strop

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