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Thursday 2 June 2011

4) Closest Friends

I have the most amazing friends. People kept saying that when you left school you would lose touch with a lot of people but i think we've grown closer. There's something nice about spending time with people because you want to not because you have to.

I have friends from different places, people i talk to from uni, people i talk to from work, people from school and random people who have entered my life from other sources (pub =p)

Uni was not the nicest place for me to start with. In the first week i felt so out of my depth it was unreal. I knew nobody, i didnt know what to expect academically, i didnt know where things were etc. Then to top it all off i heard this girl sitting behind me in a lecture talking about "the losers who talk to people they dont know". Unfortunately my course seemed to have an abundance of people who had came up to uni with their friends and still liked to think of themselves as being popular. I was hating it. Until this guy, who im fairly certain will never read this, sat next to me in a lecture and started talking to me about the lecturers music taste. It wasnt much but that little conversation gave me the confidence i needed to talk to more people. I talked to him from time to time in the same lecture and it was nice to know that there would be someone there first thing in the morning to have a wee natter with. I probably wont be in any of his classes next year cause hes doing numbery rubbish but i wonder if he realises he may have made the difference between me staying and dropping out of Uni. There are others as well, people who i have alot in common with, which was nice after spending so much time thinking me course was full of emotionally immature idiots (no offence) who were only interrested in drink and the opposite sex. Ill miss these people over summer but hopefully next year we'll see each other again and swap stories of our foreign adventures.

Work - I love my job im such a loser i will openly admit i love my job. I also happen to like rather alot of the people i work with. Even the people i dont always see eye to eye with under it all i know that they are good people who care about the company and the people who work there, although they may never get invited to KFC. Trips to the beach park, random driving, chicken holding and fast food eating. You guys are awesome and i will send you postcards.

School - You guys are awesome, need i say more really. We may not have been the "cool" table but we had a much better year than they did, and we did it with our knickers on.

Random people - Right your gonna know who you are. You may not have the best diet or the cleanest bedroom but by gum we get on like a house on fire. Watching things at the same time, scrobbling and pokemon, we are just to dam cool sometimes

Ian - You get a wee section all to yourself. You were a friend first and hopefully will always be. You make me smile.

God i feel all mooshy on the inside.

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