Caged bird background

Tuesday 28 June 2011


Been back like half a day and my dads gone off the deep end.

Ever have an epiphany where you realise something and know that it is true? I had one today - i need to move out.
I can not take being the easy target when my dads in a mood. The stupidest little thing becomes this huge shouting match because instead of approaching it like an adult he acts like a child. I get it hes been made redundant and it sucks but my suitcase sitting in the middle of the landing is not a big deal, im cleaning my room first so i can get to my wardrobe to hang things up without falling over something and killing myself. I havent hoovered, big deal its not going to end the world. My head is spinning and and i dont know why, but i find myself cleaning my room and trying to unpack which was going to get done anyway. The more he pushes the less i want to do it. So he pushes more so i want to do it less. I have problems to, i address them in a productive manner rather than looking for conflict so i can feel better. My overseas job has been postponed, i dont know what the hell my hearts trying to tell me, both physically and emotionally, i'm now spending out my student loan which i was trying not to do and i have no idea what i want to do with my life.

Why does he get away with screaming about it and the rest of us are just expected to put up with it ?

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