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Monday 12 September 2011

August Consumption

Been very busy on my little foreign adventures but still found time to enjoy some media. So here is a little run down of what ive watched, read and listened to recently.

Movies I've Watched

Pearl Harbour - Had this on my amazon wish list for ages and finally got round to watching it while in France on a very cold day off. I sat in Hannahs tent and cried my eyes out along to the film which although as a whole isnt the best film in the world does have genuinely touching parts that make you truely feel for the people who experienced the horrendous events that unfolded that day.  

Sex and the City 2 - I know I'm almost ashamed of myself for having watched this and what makes it worse was that i actually enjoyed it. In fairness though it got pretty dam cold at night out there so it was nice to curl up with a big thick blanket and eat amazing French chocolate.

Black Sheep - This shouldn't have been as funny as it was but it was a horror film about a possessed sheep and when someone was bitten by said possessed sheep they themselves turned into a sheep and at the end the dog baa'd. What more could you want from a weird ass horror film.

Letters to Juliet - Only saw the first half so i now feel like i should beg, borrow or steal a copy so i can see how it ends even though it shows you some of the mushy ending stuff in the trailer.

Tristan + Isolde - Kind of lost track of the thin plot this film had, he was hot she was kind of hot two hot people prancing around in a romeo and Juliet fashion - she's Irish, he's English, it can never be.

Books Ive Read

Once Bitten - An interesting if not slightly "really that's the ending" book about a vampirish creature that isn't a proper vampire in a bite and suck kind of way anyway. Was like 89p for the kindle and kept me occupied for a few days so its all good.

The basement - Oh my god this book was good. Considering it was one of the cheapy books for kindle i wasn't expecting great things but Jesus it was good. Kept me gripped right till the very end and got me instantly searching for more books by the same author and of the same thriller type genre. Did not see that ending coming is all i can say really. 

The Darkest Secret - The latest book in one of my favourite series. Not my favourite book so far in the series (cant wait for the next one) but again it kept me entertained for a good few days 

Music Ive listened to

Cher Llyod - Swagger Jagger Yip it makes me sad to realise that i have listened to and enjoyed this rubbish but its just so catchy especially when you're charging around the french countryside singing it full blast in a VW Golf. 

Adele - Set fire to the rain When your on a campsite where it does rain a large chunk of the time you need to make light of the situation so this song was often blaring around the live area. Its just such a good belt it out and pretend you can actually sing tune. My only piece of advice would be not to do it while cleaning a tent - they have zero sound insulation. 

The Kooks - Tick of Time I never thought I'd like something by the kooks but this is a very catchy tune that just sounds rather upbeat, even down loaded it for my ipod. 

The crazy dance - A campsite mashup of loads of songs including some old eurovision, some weird french stuff, shakira and the cartoons (8) hey witch doctor give me the magic words. Alright you go oh eh, oh ah ah, ting tang walla walla bing bang (8). It had its own dance routine and everything. I tell you once you've done that a few times a day you dont need zumba anymore. 

Chicago Soundtrack  Full blast singing along on demo with Hannah cleaning the grossest caravan i saw all season, that was a good afternoon.



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