Caged bird background

Saturday 26 February 2011

The sun'ill come out tomorrow

Sometimes people doodle when they're bored, Little pictures up and down margins or proudly scrawled across the corners of notes but when i get bored i write blogs. I love handwriting things. Uni notes are about the only thing i write these days, not really a fan of sitting with a laptop out to "take notes" in lectures cause ultimately i get distracted and zone out.

Anyway on Friday i had an hour gap and was going to read a journal article for HTM and i finished it in like 10 minutes cause it wasn't as long as i thought it was going to be so i sat and hand wrote a blog. (Suppose it's like a diary really)

"I love the sence of euphoria that drifts across campus when the sun comes out. Maybe getting up for the train isn't as bad when it's light outside. Maybe the buildings don't look as oppressive. Coursework doesn't seem as bad wither even though everything has officially been issued.
You hear people laughing and joking more around campus and you enjoy the stroll between buildings for different lectures when you're not trailing an inside out umbrella and doubled over against the wind.
Maybe the sun is the light at the end of the metaphorical tunnel."

Wish i had my camera on me so i could take a picture of the sunshine so i can remember what it looks like but hey ho

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