Caged bird background

Sunday 15 May 2011


Totally gutted i missed the eurovision last night so heres my little blog about what i thought since i missed out on the twitter madness.

Love the look of the little films they're playing in between the acts but the hosts could not be more annoying if they tried.

Finland - Looks a bit like Patrick Kielty, very mellow song

Bosnia & Herzegovina - She does not look like shes playing that piano. Really random looking group of people wandering round a stage. Prancing man with a hat looks like a fall out boy reject.

Denmark - Get a hair cut, that's Jedwards look! He has leather trousers on.... Not too bad as a band though. Who ever dressed the lead deserves a talking to thou as he would look alot better in something that's not a turtle neck. Look at him go.

Lithuania - Very musical theatrey.

Hungary - Subtitles would be useful so i know if i cant understand her cause shes mumbling or if shes speaking Hungarian. Ahh glowing crotch!

Ireland (JEDWARD!!) - Bet they didnt think theyd end up here when they did xfactor all that time ago. Theyre almost in time, im impressed. I wonder what theyre hair would look like in an emo fringe style.....Ah so thats what they look like....

Sweden - Looked a wee bit hot there. Correction, lot bit hot. Not too bad a song and nice choreography. One minute hes wasn't in front of the dancers and i blinked and he was, how fast did he move!

Estonia - Is she wearing curtains...... One of the backing dancers looks alot like a guy i go to uni with, rather odd

Greece - Speaking "rapper" person bit mince but singing guy alot less mince. He looks like someone on telly but i just cant place him.

Russia - Rather good dancing, shame its a singing contest

The little video with all the padlocks on the fence is so cool looking.

France - Got to love france for the fact that they always stick to their guns and sing in French. Like how hes all poshly dressed then looks like he hasnt brushed his hair. Thanks Graham Norton, for making me realise i cant even recognise the language they're speaking in.

Italy - Bit jazzy, not really memorable

Switzerland - Bubbles!!! One of those songs that probably sounds better recorded so u can hear what shes saying but you can get the jist that its good. Cheesy grin on the bass player lets you know hes chuffed to bits with himself. If i was him id be worried my girlfriends singing about being "in love for a while".

Britain - What are they wearing. Its like footman meets military. Oh, Oh, Oh, i know this one the green smoke is symbolic right.? That we smell? English teacher would be proud. In all fairness though they weren't all that bad.

Moldova - Poor Moldova, all the other countries have like stock brokers and rowers and what do Moldova get, a window cleaner. GNOMES!!!! Who ever came up with this has been snorting something. "did they lose a bet, does one of them own an unsuccessful hat shop" - Graham Norton is amazing. Moldova is the wagner of the Eurovision.

Germany - This reminds me on Ellie Goulding. Asides from sounding a bit rapey i actually rather like this song and she is stunning. Not a fan of the backing dancers though.

Romania - Is it not cheating to have a UK person representing them ? Show me the drummer again!! There is no god, i want to see the drummer =[

Austria - Looks way older than 20. Belter of a voice on her when she gets going though.

Azerbaijan - Not a fan of this is a bit dull and repetitive. She actually went cross eyed at one point.

Slovenia - Agree with Graham Norton - very Christiniaish. Not a bad song but not amazing either. Very xena warrior princess outfit.

Iceland - Love the little tune. Actually a lovely little tune, really enjoying this.

Spain - The dancing is like a zumba routine. I dont see this doing well. Id love it if the audience went all Britains got talent style and started shouting "off, off, off, off!"

Ukraine - A sand artist won Ukraines got talent... No one cares about the singer show me the sand!! Her outfit is mental but i actually really like it, really suits her.

Serbia - look like a 60s throw back. Shes a good singer but i dont really like the song.

Georgia - Bargain basement Halloween costumes. There's something a bit off about this, like her voice and the music, not enough power or volume or something, there's just something not right.

That's everyone played. Now for the votes.

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