Caged bird background

Sunday 8 May 2011

Little Things

I love the sounds of the night outside. When i was working in France there was a strange but pleasant silence used to come over the site at night where the sounds of screaming children were replaced by the sounds of nature. Nocturnal creatures like bats would swoop almost silently through the trees, animals would scurry from the under growth before splashing into the river. The running taps and sounds of teeth brushing would escape from the toilet blocks. People would sit outside their tents with a glass of wine and some candles to ward of the bugs and relax in each others company. A friendly but tired sounding "goodnight" would be uttered to passers by and the odd holiday rep. The sight was sighing collectively at the end of a long day, yawning in anticipation of the bed that awaited them, the sounds of crickets and the man snoring on pitch 372, echoing across the site.

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