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Tuesday 3 May 2011

Its a two way street

This is going to be a ranty post so read it at your peril

All year i have struggled my way through a class that promised it was about completely different subject matter from what it is. I have tried to do well and when im asked for verbal answers i do not to badly but put it on paper and its a whole different story. I have had a class test nearly a week ago now and today i am awaiting the results. It was the last piece of influential coursework due for any class by a mile and as i result i am currently in limbo as to wither or not i actually need to sit the exam for the class which is the first exam in the exam diet next week. NEXT WEEK!! so if i have failed this test i need to figure out what the hell ive to study then study and learn it in a week! The class has recommended reading, which is a killer if ever there was one, the book is aimed at computing students not business and also covers the first two years of the course so has material in it which is more advanced than anything i need to know. Additionally the second semester lecturer is in a word, useless. I sounds harsh but know one has a clue what she is on about, i dont think even she knows half the time.

There are also no exam papers up online to even give an idea of the questions im going to be subjected to if i do come to sit the exam. How am i going to pass this!!!?? By the skin of my teeth if at all. I think its about time i look into this "we know your thick so heres a pass as long as you leave the department and never darken our doorway again" pass.

1 comment:

  1. Keep breathing. It is what it is and there is a gift in here somewhere. Look for it.....


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