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Friday 6 January 2012

Life related Stuff's

This has never happened to me before but right now i have an amazon gift voucher to spend and I do not have an overwhelming urge to spend it! Might have something to do with the 13 new books that wont fit on my bookshelf and so are instead living in the amazon box they came in until such times as i buy a bigger box case or *gasp* get rid of some of my books. In additonal bookish type news I've sort of restarted my book challenge so that i have exactly a year to read them starting from January 1st rather than a random date in Sepetember. Kind of works out though because from septemeber till December 31st was a nice little test run of how much I can read when i can be bothered to read regularily.
Additonal less interresting reading type news - I read over 75 pages of text book today and you know how long it took me ? Three hours. I realised i read in a very slow monotonous voice in my head when i read textbooks so going to need to try and skip read the rest of the book I think if I am to stand any chance of reading it all before the exam. Starting to really worry about my exams thought. Although one minute I'm like meh I'll be fine, wing it and just write something, you dont need to do fantastically just well enough to pass so you can do better next time and the minute im like IMMA GONNA FAIL!!!!
I do have a lot riding on this though, sort of. Possibly. More of that nearer the possibilty of it being a solid possibility.
Ever find that when you're studying for an exam aswell everything else in life suddenly becomes so much more important? Pretty sure last time  had to study i created a new filing system for bank statements, not a word of a lie. This time round i just want a general overhaul of my room, starting to gather so much junk again its not even funny. I have stuff though that i dont know what to do with cause its like stuff you know you should keep like things from School and the like but i don't particularily want to keep in my room. Maybe I could pinch a box from work and stick it up the loft or in the top of the spare bedroom wardrobe. Its not just my room in hankering to clean though cause theres loads of little things in other rooms of the house i wouldn't mind organising.
February shall be my month of socialness I think cause I didnt get to do as much as I wanted over the christmas holidays due to always feeling guilty about not studying and cause I'm working like a mad thing atm.

Aye so that was a bit longer than i intended it to be but ummm yeah

There will also be some vloggage when i look more awake and more human.

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