Caged bird background

Sunday 29 January 2012

Watching this at the moment and it genuinely breaks my heart. The complete panic and confusion people experience as information is corrupted by being retold too many times. The expressions on peoples faces in the street regardless of wether or not they have people in the towers conveys the collective humanity and compassion felt for the people trapped. Tears shed for strangers.
The impossible choices having to be made by all envolved. The people trapped who had no choice...
"A 'jumper' is somebody who goes to the office in the morning knowing that they will commit suicide... These people were forced out by the smoke and flames or blown out"
The impossible task that lay before the firefighters, how do you extinguish fires and help people 78 floors up?
Trying to maintain some sembelance of control over a situation that no one could have fathomed.

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